From SQL*Plus (NOTE: The owner list below is a short list of all possible default Oracle accounts): select grantee||': '||privilege||': '||owner||'.'||table_name from dba_tab_privs where grantee not in (select role from dba_roles) and grantee not in ('APEX_PUBLIC_USER', 'AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$', 'CTXSYS', 'DBSNMP', 'EXFSYS', 'FLOWS_030000', 'FLOWS_FILES', 'LBACSYS', 'MDSYS', 'MGMT_VIEW', 'ODM', 'OLAPSYS', 'ORACLE_OCM', 'ORDPLUGINS', 'ORDSYS', 'OSE$HTTP$ADMIN', 'OUTLN', 'OWBSYS', 'PERFSTAT', 'PUBLIC', 'REPADMIN', 'SYS', 'SYSMAN', 'SYSTEM', 'WKSYS', 'WMSYS', 'XDB') and table_name<>'DBMS_REPCAT_INTERNAL_PACKAGE' and table_name not like '%RP' and grantee not in (select grantee from dba_tab_privs where table_name in ('DBMS_DEFER', 'DEFLOB')); If any records are returned, this is a Finding. NOTE: This check may report false positives where other ORACLE products have been installed. Accounts installed with other Oracle products are exempt from this requirement. |